Atlanta Criminal Defense Attorney

It doesn’t matter what category of crime your case falls into, the choice of an experienced criminal defense lawyer can make all the difference in a criminal case. If you or your loved one is facing a criminal charge in the Atlanta area, contact the law offices of Atlanta’s leading criminal attorney as soon as possible.

Even as a defendant, you have rights. You have the right to remain silent and the right to appoint the legal team of your choice. Our criminal defense firm can handle any criminal case.

Our Atlanta Crimianl Lawyer Defends:

The state of Georgia does not take too kindly to criminal offenders. Even if you are only being charged with a misdemeanor, you should still appoint an Atlanta criminal attorney. A seasoned legal mind with years of experience with the Atlanta justice system will oftentimes recognize angles to a case that a client would never have thought of on their own. A good lawyer may find grounds to dismiss a case and drop the charges against a client all together.

Even in the cases where an offender did actually commit a crime, the Atlanta criminal attorney will be right by a client’s side every step of the way. A conviction for a crime does not have to mean jail time. The Atlanta criminal attorney will recommend any deals and jail alternative sentences to the court to keep a client from becoming incarcerated.

If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges, contact the law offices of the Atlanta criminal lawyer to discuss the next steps in your case.